“Weapon - A thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.”

Therefore you are a weapon, a claw machine, a thing designed and used to inflict physical damage to vehicles. As a bonus you are eco friendly and sort trash, therefore harming global warming itself.

Rip cars apart, sort the parts and don't let your time run out!


WASD - Move the claw parallel to the ground

SPACEBAR/SHIFT - Move the claw up/down

Q/E - Rotate the claw

F - Pinch/Release

R - Restart the game

Github link: https://github.com/Rionit/Pirate-Software-Game-Jam-16

Honda Accord model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/honda-accord-ps1-low-poly-c289d72487b44f7bbdc6fa...

Music (slightly edited to loop): https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/140-bpm-amen-break-original-processed-6945/

Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.6989133,-117.2285007,0a,76.6y,272.62h,74.57t/dat...

Published 13 hours ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
Tags3D, First-Person, Low-poly, Retro, Singleplayer


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NOTE: In the beginning it lags a bit. I'm guessing this is because I had to use compatibility rendering method.