I made a different spin on the original asteroids. I thought, why not be an astronaut who pushes himself by throwing asteroids to destroy aliens who want to abduct him?

HOW TO PLAY: literally just click and drag left mouse button

Play full screen to see the whole leaderboard

Some notes:

I really did not have time to finish this and add more polish :D

Also I forgot to disable the colored vectors showing velocity :D

Btw this is my first game jam and Godot game ever

Here is the game on github: https://github.com/Rionit/ScoreSpaceJam30


Some of the sounds are from pixabay, otherwise all assets were done by me.


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I liked the idea behind this! It was somewhat buggy for me but nevertheless impressive for a first foray into game dev and Godot, right on!

(1 edit)

Thank you! Had only 3 days for this and actually worked on it like for almost 2 so I didn't have time to fix all the bugs